Thursday 29 August 2013

View Caleb's Denmark blog

Caleb went to Denmark in July, you can catch up with his photos and stories on his blog.
Denmark Trip

Tuesday 27 August 2013


We are learning to play some songs on the xylophone.

We have been lucky that the weather has been kind to us and we've been able to practise outside.

Dion playing 'Mary had a little lamb'

Blaide found a cool place to practise

Ollie, Kaleb and Daemyn

Juandre, Ocean and Journee playing their xylophones on the fort

Sunday 30 June 2013



Hit the ball

On the court playing hockey

Cones on a court

Keeping the ball

Everyone is having fun

Yay! It was cool at hockey



Thursday 20 June 2013

School closed due to SNOW!

Today at 10.10am, Quinn is the only student left in Room 11.  Hampstead School has been closed due to snow.
Quinn and Brodyn on the tablets and computers waiting for
their parents to pick them up.

Bayden going home.

If you make a snowman take a photo of it and bring it to school on a memory stick so I can put it on our blog!
Have fun in the snow!!!!

Wednesday 19 June 2013


Yesterday Room 11 were lucky to have Science Alive visiting.  Here are some photos and our thoughts.

We turned on the light which made the solar panelled car work.

When it ran out of light it stopped.

Paige is holding Jupiter, Rowan is holding Uranus, Caleb is looking at

Saturn  and Dion has Mars.  Then we put them in order.

This group has put the planets in order from Mercury to Neptune.

John is showing us how the earth moves around the sun as well as the moon.

Jay's Mum is helping us read the instructions.

We were looking at which way the sun sets. 

John was giving us instructions about the dome.  Our voices were echoing.  The planets were very cool to look at.  We could also see the milky way.  We learnt lots of names for the different constellations and where to look for them.  It was dark in there and it really did look like the night sky.  There was awesome twinkling stars. 

Monday 17 June 2013

Ashton's Popcorn Poem


The popcorn pops in the microwave.

The popcorn is sweet with a buttery taste.

It explodes with a bang and a pop.

It's fresh, it's light and very hot.

Its a yummy treat.

It can get burnt but it still tastes amazing.

It goes in a bowl.

It makes mouths water

When I eat it, it tastes great!

BY Ashton

Rm 11's VOKI

Pop corn

Muppet Popcorn  click here to watch the Swedish chef making popcorn.

Popping Popcorn

I pop popcorn to its finest.

Popping popcorn is a delight.

The smell of butter is so nice.

After a meal of rice.

In a scary movie popcorn calms you down.

It goes bang in the microwave.

The crunchy kernals are hard to bite.

It is a pleasent treat on a stormy night.

It is lighter than a feather.

Popcorn is cooler than a fridge.

I would like to go to a land of popcorn.

Next time come  have poping popcorn with me.

                POP, POP, POP!

By Caleb

Print Making

Here is Tama's poem about Print Making

Print Making 

The ink is white
There are dry rollers
There are sticky rollers
There's ink on paper
There's sticky fingers
 We have white fingers
There's white everywhere
There's so much ink

Thursday 16 May 2013

Descriptive Writing

Robyn has blond hair with three hair ties. She has blue eyes with  black pupils she has white circles around the blue bits on her eyes.Her skin is white. She has lots of freckles on her face.She has long eyelashes and thin eyebrows. The eyelashes are short and blonde.  She is friendly and helpful.
By Tama

Blaide has blondish, brown hair and pale skin.  His eyes are blue.  Also on the right side of his head he has freckles.  Blaide is a helpful friend, he is also funny and a bright kid.  Blaide has two different favourite colours.  The first one is read and the other one is gold.  Blaide's favourite sport is soccer.
By Juandre 

      Kaleb has got short, blondy brown hair that curves around the top of his head.  The colour of his eyes are light blue, they are really bright.  He has got pale brown skin.  Kaleb has got a really cool smile and he is really funny.  He is helpful too, he is a really awesome kid to be around.
By Ocean

Bradley has blondish blackish hair, its short and frizzy. He has hazel eyes and they are sparkly as well.  His has pale skin that gets dirty alot because he loves playing sport and always gives everything a try. Bradley is very fast runner.  He is a excellent friend.   He likes playing minecraft and call of duty.
By Bayden

Paige was my buddy.  She has hair as blonde as the sun.  She has a pony tail.She has
light blue eyes.  She has lots of  freckles on her face.  She has white skin.  She wears glasses.  Paige has sleeper earrings.  She has a helpful personality.  Paige likes netball and eating chocolate and ice-cream.
By Caleb

Wednesday 15 May 2013


Cross Country

At the Cross Country me and Leyton were cheering in the crowd.  We thought Bradley was going to come second, but just as Damien was going to win Bradley zoomed ahead.  Before we knew it Bradley won, yay!!!  Bradley came over, I said, "good job".  I watched the other people.  I wish I was that fast.  But I didn't notice we were lining up.  I looked and got in the line.  Mrs Eaton said, "find a buddy".  I buddied with my friend Austin.  We ran off.  I think Austin is FAST.  Before I knew it the race is over.  I was very puffed.  I can't wait until next Cross Country.

Bradley sneaking ahead of Damien at the haybales.

Photo taken by Caleb.

Story by Bayden.

Enjoying Reading

Room 11 finds cool places to read...

Cairo (photo taken by Tama)

Tokoono (taken by Paige)

Chelssea and Ocean enjoying a book

Everyone has enjoyed taking photos of each other.  We were doing this for a photo competition  for the library.  You can view the rest of our amazing photos in Room 11.  Come and take a look :)

Saturday 20 April 2013


On the last day of school we made fruit salad.  We had been writing instructions and one of tasks was to write how to make fruit salad.

Happy holidays everyone . . . . remember to feed the fish!

You may like to make fruit salad in the holidays for your family.  Or fruit sticks are always fun too!

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Our Rocky Shore trip at Smithfield Beach

We are looking in our container at what we

found at the beach.  Tokoono has the identification

chart.  We had crabs, snails and worms.

I found a mussel at the beach, it was still

closed so it had its meat inside.

We were looking at the identification chart.

It was a periwinkle.

Daemyn is holding some tangly seaweed.

It was dry because it was on the dry sand.


We caught the biggest crab

and lots of little ones.

Here is Phoenix's crab

Zandrina was holding a sea tulip, it was

attached to a mussel.  We had some

Year 4's from R12 with us.

"I was looking for a crab," said Ian.

Here is a close up of the limpets Robyn

is pointing too.

Here are the limpets - look out for the

close up photo of them

Thursday 7 March 2013

Banana Art!

We did some drawings of bananas.  We had to look carefully at our lines, once we had finished we coloured them in funky colours with pastels.

Monday 18 February 2013

Tree felling

We wrote some amazing stories about the big tree coming down at Hampstead School last week.  Our stories were very long so these are just some great sentences from these stories.

Today it is a very sad day.  Our big tree is getting cut down.  The big tree is too dangerous to have at our school.  The next day the tree is nothing but a tall log.     BY BAYDEN
 The big tree was getting cut down and I saw a shredder, it was noisy.  They have to climb up and use the chainsaw.  The branch fell down, it was big.     BY IAN

We walked past the tree again.  By 3pm there was only two branches left.  From my house I could still hear the arborists shredding branches and they're still working on the tree today.  BY DAEMYN

At lunchtime the big tree came down.  It made a big bang, they tied a rope onto the tree and connected it to the truck.  He pulled and pulled until it finally came down.  BY ASHTON