Monday 18 February 2013

Tree felling

We wrote some amazing stories about the big tree coming down at Hampstead School last week.  Our stories were very long so these are just some great sentences from these stories.

Today it is a very sad day.  Our big tree is getting cut down.  The big tree is too dangerous to have at our school.  The next day the tree is nothing but a tall log.     BY BAYDEN
 The big tree was getting cut down and I saw a shredder, it was noisy.  They have to climb up and use the chainsaw.  The branch fell down, it was big.     BY IAN

We walked past the tree again.  By 3pm there was only two branches left.  From my house I could still hear the arborists shredding branches and they're still working on the tree today.  BY DAEMYN

At lunchtime the big tree came down.  It made a big bang, they tied a rope onto the tree and connected it to the truck.  He pulled and pulled until it finally came down.  BY ASHTON


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